Many residents utilizing the Hosta Lane Boat Landing have noticed that there is a new parking lot that has been made for use of citizens using the Boat Landing. Please be thoughtful in your use of the parking lot and do not park in the field, rather only using the cleared area.

When using the Boat Landing, please do not park in any area that has a “No Parking” sign, or park in the spots designated for handicap use only without a placard or license plate.

Please note that the No Parking Rules will be strictly enforced. Violators will have their vehicle towed.

Town Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Wed Noon to 6:00 PM


Quick Reference and Online Services

Do you have business to do at the Town Office, but you can’t make it in during our regular hours??

Visit our list of online resources.

Town Office Address & Phone #'s

2986 Middle Road
Sidney, Maine 04330

(207) 547-3340
(207) 547-3159

(207) 547-5054  

Other Offices and Hours