Budget Committee

Jay Bradshaw

Term: 2024-2027

Tim Russell

Term: 2024-2027

Laura Whitcomb, Chairman

Term: 2024-2026

Floyd Luce

Term: 2024-2026

Shawna Foye

Term: 2022-2025

Wiiliam Cole

Term: 2022-2025

Tabitha Cole, Alternate

Term: 2024-2027

Andy McMullen, Alternate

Term: 2024-2027


Budget Meeting will be held on February 22nd at 9 AM. 

Located at the Town Office on Middle Road. 

Town Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Wed Noon to 6:00 PM


Quick Reference and Online Services

Do you have business to do at the Town Office, but you can’t make it in during our regular hours??

Visit our list of online resources.

Town Office Address & Phone #'s

2986 Middle Road
Sidney, Maine 04330

(207) 547-3340
(207) 547-3159

(207) 547-5054  

Other Offices and Hours