The Annual Budget Meeting will take place on 2/22/25 at 9 AM. 

Location: Town Office, 2986 Middle Road.

Open to the Public.

Public restroom available.

Town Meeting will take place on 3/29/25 at 9 AM. 

Location: James Bean School.

Annual Report books will be available 1 week prior to Town Meeting. 


The Town Office will be closed to the public on 2/17/24 in observance of President's Day. Code Enforcement will remain open from 5 PM - 8 PM. 


2025 Dog Registration opened on 10/15/24. Register online at


In recent weeks, there have been several occasions that Residents have been observed throwing garbage bags at the feet of the Transfer Station Attendants and driving off, attempting to place bags without stickers in the dumpsters, and putting trash on the outside of the dumpsters.

Due to this, the town has installed security cameras that have the ability to monitor the activities that transpire at the Transfer Station including but not limited to: audio and visual recording and capturing of license plates and human movement.

The ongoing safety of both the Residents and Employees of the Town of Sidney is of paramount importance. We hope the institution of this surveillance will contribute to a more peaceful and productive Transfer Station environment.

As a reminder, the Transfer Station Attendants are there to serve the residents of Sidney, ensure proper usage of the facilities, and assist where appropriate. The expectation is that they will be treated with dignity and respect.

If you have any questions, please contact the Selectboard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


There are many residents that have come upon hard times and are in need of heating aid. These people are employed and they generally are not eligible for General Assistance.  By the generosity of those in better circumstances these families can be helped by the Town of Sidney Heat Fund. In order to keep this fund available we are asking for your help in donating what you can.   Please make the check out to Town of Sidney and mail to 2986 Middle Road, Sidney, ME 04330 or stop by the Town Office and drop off what you can. We thank you in advance for your generosity.

Town Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Wed Noon to 6:00 PM


Quick Reference and Online Services

Do you have business to do at the Town Office, but you can’t make it in during our regular hours??

Visit our list of online resources.

Town Office Address & Phone #'s

2986 Middle Road
Sidney, Maine 04330

(207) 547-3340
(207) 547-3159

(207) 547-5054  

Other Offices and Hours